
Primary Research 

  Primary research is the research done first hand. This means that the researcher gets the information himself compared to other sources. 

  This type of research could be done in the form of observations, surveys, focus groups, and so on. 
  This research can be beneficial to the researcher as it will help get the information on their target audience, it will help get an understanding of the likes and dislikes the public may have and is generally very beneficial.

A positive of primary research is that it will get original information for the researcher which would be beneficial as it would cover the researcher's specific need.

A downside to primary research could be that this research is very time-consuming and would require lots of time whereas secondary research would be generally a lot quicker.

This research could be conducted in media to find out genre likes and dislikes, improvements for a director after the release of a movie, people's interests, etc.

Secondary Research

On the other hand, secondary research is the research that is done second-hand, using existing resources and data for the researchers benefit.

  this research could be in the form of published reports, other researchers' primary research, and basically, every other piece of research that isn't collected yourself (that isn't primary).

  A positive to secondary research is that it takes a lot less time than primary or first-hand research. another positive that would be very beneficial to the researcher is that most secondary research is published and summarised. this, therefore, means that you can get an idea of the research before you spend time reading and collecting the data,

A negative side to secondary research is that this research is not original, so other researchers would have most likely looked at the same source and get the same data.

this research could be collected for the same reason as primary research but would be more to find trends and patterns based on primary research. for example, you could see people's interests and see how those interests have changed over time.

How are you going to use these and why?

  These research methods would be vital for the creation of anything that will be publicized. Workers in these industries need to get an idea of peoples interests and what people want to watch and without primary and secondary research, they would have no idea what people like and would become very bias or boring to many as it would be based on their personal interests and not what the public want.

  It is very hard to get an understanding of what the public wants, even just off primary research, which is why people conduct secondary research. This would cover a wider range of people and could be based on statistics or data conducted on a wider and more reliable platform. 


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